Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Toenails Poll

Since the time I started training for my first marathon about 4 years ago, I have heard many accounts of the prevalence of blackened toenails and/or toenails falling off as a result of running. It kinda grossed me out at first, but I accepted that it will probably eventually happen to me. Maybe I've been blessed with perfect-for-my-feet running shoes, but over the course of the last 4 years, I have never had a single problem with any of my toenails. And to be honest, it wasn't until last week that I heard a first-hand account of it actually happening. I began to wonder, "How frequently does this happen? Does it really happen as often as they say? Am I an anomaly?" In an effort to uncover the truth, I am creating a poll: Have you personally ever had a toenail turn black and/or fall off as a result of running? To respond, see the poll in my sidebar (just below my Boston Marathon countdown). Thanks for your help!

UPDATE: See my recent post with survey results and a few suggestions.


Tri+Umph said...

I voted "Never happened to me," to keep the results accurate. Although once I was "running" after my dog and kicked a doorway, which resulted in my toe nail eventually falling off, after being a pretty black-ish red for a few months!

The Laminator said...

I voted "fallen off", even though to be more accurate, I should say "falling off".

My big toenail has been black for about a year now...but over the past few weeks, I notice it has started to lift off. Now it is hanging by just a sliver of nail bed, but it is still too painful to pull it off, so I'm making an appointment with a podiatrist to have it officially removed in the next day or so.

crossn81 said...

I've lost the same toenail maybe 3-4 times - it would be the "index" toe on the right foot. Every time I start to increase my distance it blisters and falls off. Since the last time it fell off it hasn't really ever grown back in the right way - I might just cut the whole toe off!

Sarah said...

Twice in one year - my next to the big toe on my left foot. Grrr...

Run For Life said...

Lol, I'll trade my toes with yours and Doug's! Though I'm sure that would look even worse...nevermind, bad idea.

I'm investigating shoes with larger toe-boxes for my next pair (soon to be purchased) and hopefully that will help.

Marcy said...

Nope, not yet . . .but I'm also not even done with my first year of running :P

Tim Wilson said...

I haven't lost mine yet, and have never had a black nail all through training etc.... until my first Half Marathon a few weeks back. My big toe nail started turning black a couple days later and still waiting to see if it will fall off.

Bill Carter said...

Hi Reid

I have worn the same kinds of Asics shoes for the last 4 years. They are really comfortable and fit me very well I think. I wear an Asics light weight trainer and an Asics Nimbus when my feet get sore. The point is I pretty regularly loose toenails and am missing 1 right now along with 2 that are black and blue.

It honestly doesn't bother me and I really don't even experience much pain... although it does gross out my wife a bit.

Best of luck with your Boston training.

Bob A said...

I came across the poll too late to officially vote but fallen off several times would have been my vote. Over the last 5 years, I have rarely had a full set of 10 toenails. It doesn't seem to matter what brand or what size of shoe I use or how short/long I keep my toenails, I always have at least one gone. It's no big deal once you get over the gross factor.


Marie F said...

Okay- I just found your blog and though your poll is closed- I am training for Boston and have lost one nail completely this winter with two more on the way (they are purple and getting ready to say goodbye). This has happened over the past 15 years every time I distance train and always to the same toes! A little of an inconvenience, but you can run with it. Good luck with Boston!

Anonymous said...

Well I wish I could say No but this is now currently happening to me! I just ran the Paris Marathon and I have two loose nails. Ugh, it really grosses me out. They BETTER grow back. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Yep...its happening to me right now and I'm SO glad to see there are other "ugly toenail brothers and sisters" out there! I just ran the NJ Half Marathon and all through training I was fine but for some reason, my amazing Mizunos lost their amazing-ness! One black and blue big toenail just about to fall off and half of the other big toenail. I'm so vain...was it worth it??