Thursday, January 3, 2008

Off to a good start

Last month, I started a Boston Marathon training program that I created myself. This is actually the first time I have ever stuck to any plan for more than just a week or two. Things have been going pretty well (if you don't count the time I was sick or the runs where I had to take it easy due to a sore hamstring. And then there was the aching ankle thing from last Saturday). My goal is to break 3 hours in Boston, and I am feeling pretty good about it so far. Below you can see my scheduled runs and my actual runs.

Scheduled runs:
What I actually ran:

1 comment:

nwgdc said...

you're off to a great start! one of my goals for this year is to actually stick to a training program also. i tend to start running longer than scheduled, which i think ends up hurting me in the end. never forget periodization!