I've said it before, and I'll say it again. So many of you have been such a wonderful source of encouragement in this quest of mine. It only seems fitting that we experience this milestone together. All you have to do is run 1 mile as fast or as slow as you want anytime between September 1st and 7th. You are welcome to write a race report about your own mile. Then just leave a comment once you've finished. You know the drill.
Feel free to snag the logo for your blog or the widget countdown in my sidebar. I'd really appreciate you spreading the word and getting this race out there.
So please let me know if you'd like to participate and kick out this monumental mile with me. This will be so amazing knowing I've got all of you out running with me. Let's break through that barrier together!
I can't commit being in full blown marathon training. I'm so full blown, if a had chicken pox, my face would be covered in spots right now. I'll try to slide a fast mile in somewhere that week. It sounds like fun!
I have a 5k that day so I will use it as an interval training that week.
I am in! I think my fastest mile ever is 9:20 so maybe I will try to break that....maybe. LOL
That's an awesome idea. Everything is EWF (easier with friends!!) I'm totally in. If you go for 5, I'll go for 10. :D
Read about the 1 mile challenge on Non-Running Nancy's blog. I'm in, but I think my goal is a 6 minute mile. 5 is just a tad to fast for me.
I'm in! I honestly don't know how fast I can run a mile LMAO! I hope in the 6's?!? I don't know. We shall soon find out.
Got the tip off about your race from Nancy's blog! I am so in!
Heard about the race on Nancy's blog... I'm in :)
Flipped over from Nancy blogs. One mile eh? She promises your nice to the slow pokes who can only do a five minute mile if they drive it. :)
You know I'm in. We'll see if I can get a PR and break 8:00. :-)
Noooo idea how fast (or slow?) I can run a mile, but I'm in!
Fun idea!! I'm in! My Dad too =)
Another one here from Nancy's blog. I'm going to try to break the 8:00 mark...
Hi, I'm here via Nancy, and I'm in! Although, if I were you I'd've just take that 5:09 and lied :)
Will give it a try! (Another from Nancy's blog!)
I'll try to run 1 of my miles fast just for the cause. I'll be in the midst of one of my three Dances With Dirt 100K relay legs, but what the heck!
I found out from Nancy's blog. Count me in!
It's been a long time since I broke a 10 minute mile. I'm gonna try that. Terrific idea!
I'm in! I think I'll try for a sub 8 min. mile.
Good luck with your sub 5!
I'm so in there! In fact, it will likely be a family affair - can't wait! :D
I'm in! I think I can run a single mile in 8 something, but won't know til I try. :)
Another participant who came over from Nancy's blog. Don't you have any friends of your own?
Anyway, count me in. I ain't comin' anywhere near 5 minutes, though. Eight. Maybe.
way caool! i'm in.
Sounds like fun. Count me in.
V. cool idea! I'm in!
I hope all of this virtual support gets you below 5 for your mile!
And, hey, congratulations on doing 100 push ups. I'm stuck on week 4 so I am really impressed by those of you who've actually been able to crank out the hundred. That's awesome!
I am in!!! My fastest mile was 9.19 so i want to beat that to the ground!!!
I'm in! I linked over from Marcy :)
I love this idea - I'm in. I linked here from Nancy's site where I've been lurking for a while. I'm a snail - I hope to get something under 9:00. My usual mile is about 9:15. I'll be sending you some sub 5 mile vibes on the 6th - Good Luck!!
Hi Reid
I am always so impressed by your tenacity and this sub 5 min/mile has really gotten under your skin. And I think that is really a cool thing and something you will certainly accomplish. BTW, I'm in for the 1 mile challenge and am looking forward to it.
Congrats on the 2nd place and that must have been a great runner to have just gotten past you.
Best of luck with everything.
Count me in. I won't PR, but I can do a mile.
I haven't been to you blog in a while. It looks great.
Just ended up here from Nancy's blog, and now that I found out I can let my shredded hamstring rest for a week or so, I'm in-- maybe for the 6 min. barrier-- definitely not the 5!
I found this off Nancy's blog and I am in. This is the perfect "welcome back to running" distance.
good luck breaking the 5 minute barrier!
Hmmm... do you offer a training plan with this?
My fastest mile was 7:32 during an 8-mile VO2max workout. I'm hoping to beat that!
I can fit in 1 fast mile! I'll try to beat my best ever of 8:02!
I'm in!
Count me in, even though you will be twice as fast as me.
Good luck!
I'm in, and I'm trying to get some of my friends in too.
I'm new and I'm in! Wandered over from Nitmos.
I found out about this through Marcy. Count me in.
Count me in. I am not sure how fast/slow my mile will be.
Awesome idea! Not sure if the knee will let me try going fast for a change, but if I feel up to it I will definitley try to push 4 laps of the track!
Good luck on your personal goal. Sounds like you're ready!
I will try and beat my own PR of 7:15
I will try to do mine in 7 minutes. I haven't really ever tried running a mile as fast as I can. I did one Mile race once, but I was in costume, it was uphill, and I wasn't treating it like a race.
Question: Can I count this as a "race" in Buckeye?
;)Running Bébé
Sorry, I forgot to say GOOD LUCK!!!!
Running Bébé
I'm in. Goal... run it under 7.
Good luck! I'm nowhere near that fast. Once I broke 8 minutes, maybe I'll try to do it again this weekend!
I did my virtual mile tonight. You can read my story at
It was a blistering 10:14. After 2 laps I thought about you and figured you would be finish up your mile.
Hi Reid. As I explain in my post, I can't vouch for my time as Garmin seemed a little off to me. But here is my one mile report here
I'm with Nitmos...my Garmin must have been *off* too!!! ;)
Alrighty I clocked in at 6:58 :-) Thanks homie!
I did it a week early as I had an opportunity to run sans jogging stroller... Good thing I did, for now I have a terrible head cold.
My time? I'm pleased to say I made my goal of under 7... 6:58 !!
Here is my report:
I'm in. Don't laugh-but my goal is under 10. My fastest so far is 10:22. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! You're an inspiration..
Hey Reid, so here is my race report!!! I am happy with my time i think. I still need to pick up the pace a bit though!!!
Thanks for this!! Hope you have a great weekend!!
Knocked it out and wow, it was cool! My race report is at Life Should Be Run
Good luck and thanks for the challenge!
Best of luck!
I ran a virtual mile during my speed work today.
Got er done during a 5k race today.
Race report is at http://www.gajohnson.org/gregjohnson/2008/09/sublimity-harvest-festival-5k-race-report.html .
Thanks for putting on the 1 mile virtual race!
I put up my report. Thanks for organizing this Reid!
Thanks Reid. I posted my results on my blog.
Way to go on beating your goal time!!!
My race report is up at http://xgravity23.blogspot.com/2008/09/1-mile-virtual-race-report.html
My time: 8:19
My Husband's (Rob) time: 6:17
I'm always a day late and a dollar short! I did mine today.
Not my fastest, but 8:02.
Awesome idea!
Looking forward to another!
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