Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quick update

Hey folks, sorry about the delay in posting. Here's what I've been up to...
  • The running group hasn't panned out so far. No one showed up that first Saturday, and I wasn't able to do it the next Saturday. I haven't gotten a response from anybody, but I am not giving up. I think I'll have to talk to people in person and let them know about it and spread the word.
  • I volunteered at the RNR AZ Marathon Expo the Saturday before the race. That was a lot of fun. I couldn't believe how busy it was the entire 5 hours I was there! I was at the tables handing out the goodie bags. I was hoping to see some fellow blogging buddies, but there were so many people, the chances of that happening was very unlikely. I sure had a blast though! I'll definitely do it again.
  • My knee has started bugging me again. I've been icing it almost everyday, sometimes twice. I've been taking it pretty easy. Not a whole lot of running lately. Hence the lack in posting here. It's been pretty frustrating, but I'm trying to stay optimistic about it.
  • Lani and I have been taking a lot of walks lately with the girls. We are loving the Arizona sunshine and just soaking it up. I feel for all you folks who have to deal with the cold, cold winter, but it really is perfect here. Sorry.
  • We're down to about 2 months until the baby is due. Lani says he seems a lot more active than the girls were. Hopefully, we'll be able to channel all that energy into running and exercise as opposed to other mischeif little boys get into.
  • Since I haven't been running much, I've started some strength exercises. Whenever we take the kids to the park, I always look for some bars on the playground to do pull-ups and dips. I'm also doing push ups and working on my core in hopes of being a stronger runner when I get over this injury.
  • Things to look forward to: I get to volunteer at the NBA All-Star Jam Session next month. I've never been involved in anything like that. It should be a lot of fun. Track season will be starting in about a month, I think. I'm hoping we'll have a lot of our kids return and bring along some new faces.

That's about it. Thanks to everyone who is still keeping tabs on me. I appreciate the comments and support.


Run For Life said...

That's too bad that the knee is giving you issues again but the walks sound really nice! Are you all ready for the new little bundle of joy?!

FLYERS26 said...

Good luck with the knee.
Sounds like you have had a lot on your plate lately.

Vava said...

I hope that knee issue clears up soon for you! It must be extra frustrating given the nice weather you are lucky to live in. Good job on the strength training - I too am trying to keep that up as I wait for my current knee pain to go away (just a case of runner's knee for me, and I think it goes back to weak hip flexors).

Anyway, all the best!

Brianna said...

Great that you're keeping up with the strength training - it will pay off big time when your knee cooperates!

Mentioned before that I'd love to get your reaction to my book. Still up for it? Stop by my blog and let me know where I should send it! I'd like to get your feedback before that baby boy is on the outside!