About 5 years ago, in the school district where I was working, a district employee was out running one morning, and was hit by a car. She ended up being ok, but she was unconscious for about 6 hours. She was not carrying any form of identification, and the hospital and police were therefore unable to notify her family until she came to or was reported missing. Since then, I've been pretty diligent in carrying some form of ID with me when I run.
Over the years, I have tried various means of identifying myself. I used to carry my driver's license with me, but then one day, it fell out of my pocket and I had to retrace my steps to find it in the middle of the road about 2 miles back. I tried carrying a little notecard in my pocket, but this was easy to misplace or forget. I considered purchasing one of those
Road IDs, but I'm a cheapskate and I don't what another tan line on my wrist/ankle (I know they have other options, but I'm still a cheapskate).

Then last year, I stumbled across a website for military style dog tags. They were perfect for key identifying information, could easily attach to my shoelace, and they were very inexpensive (only $7 for 2!). There were a lot of websites out there, but
this is the one I used. Now, with Lani running, and her birthday coming up, I think I'll be making another purchase (shh, don't say anything ;-)).
So, I am wondering what other people use for ID while running. Below is a poll for you to cast your vote:
Speaking of "Who are you?" I added the Followers gadget to my sidebar, if you'd like to declare yourself a Life Strides reader.
Gosh, it looks like "nothing" is winning in your poll, though it's still early. I carry nothing, and although I don't run the type of mileage that marathoners do I am beginning to think that I should. Thanks for the tip!
Since I always have my darn belt on I just throw my license in one of the pockets. That's a sweet idea though homie! I just might steal it ;-)
I have to admint, I carry nothing. I know, it's awful! I need to get me one of those dog tags...thanks for the post.
We wear the exact same shoe. So how come you don't run the same speed as me?
I won a road ID gift certificate at a race once so it allowed me to purchase one. I also got their military style dog tag model. I just wear it all the time.
I have a RoadID that velcros to my shoe -- so no bracelet/anklet to wear. I did win a gift certificate at a race, though.
I only had to pay a few bucks to cover the difference, but I'll buy one again when I need to replace it.
I hope some of the folks with 'Nothing' in your poll decide to do something about that!
That's a great idea. I used to carry my license with me and was really paranoid about losing it.
This seems like a much better idea.
My business card is in my fanny pack and I always run with it. I was playing softball the othr day and almost got knocked out by a line drive and thought they would not be able to get ahold of me. I might get the dog tags for all my shoes now.
Another thing you can do is put an emergency number in your cell phone. Label it ICE - In Case of Emergency.
If you ever come across someone in distress, look in their cell phone phonebook for ICE.
I always run with my cell.
Thank you so much for that link!! I am going to order a set of those! I voted nothing.
The poll isn't showing up on my computer. :( have a Road ID "Interactive". I used to run with no ID but, because I run in the pre-dawn darkness, I decided that was not a very smart thing to do.
Poll finally worked.
Nothing for me. Maybe I better tattoo my name on my arm. But I've always had dreams of changing my name to Mr. Fantastic or something and thought I'd later regret the tattoo.
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