My buddy
Adam, from
The Boring Runner, put together this little shindig for some local bloggers, the real life version of his virtual 5k race. I got to meet a bunch of people I hadn't met before, and see again some I hadn't seen in a long time. It was a really cool experience.
I was really hoping to PR today, and I thought I had a really good chance since I just ran the course (or a slightly altered version of it) last week. I wasn't able to get my usual warm up in because I was too busy chatting with all the new faces. I figured I'd be alright.
I took off at a quick pace, hoping to run a similar pace to last week. I wasn't feeling as good as last week, but I was doing ok. When I got to the turn around, the mark was quite a bit short of what I was expecting. Having done this course several times before, I knew where the turn around should be, so I kept going those few extra paces. That extra bit dropped me from 1st place to 3rd. I tried to make up that ground, but just couldn't pick up the pace as much as I would have liked.
I finished with about an 18:45. Not a PR, but that's still a decent time, and I had a real nice time getting to know all the runners (at least the ones I was able to talk to). One of the highlights was the finisher's medal that Rio handed out. Very awesome. In fact, a lot nicer than some medals I've received from real races.
The awesome finisher's medal |
The top 4 finishers |
Thanks to Adam, Lauren, and everyone else who made this an awesome race!
I agree the medal is better than many I've received. I love the fact that you and the other 3 had to wait for us slower runners to come through. I had a PW of 28 but I was more interested in taking pictures of the runners and having fun.
1st to 3rd.. You have to watch out for those cheaters who turn around early :) I forgot to run hard because I was having too much fun talking the whole run. Obviously I have no race strategy. Fun to meet you.
Wow so fun! I wish I lived near you guys so I could partake in the fun. I would've ran about the same time as the rest of you. Woohoo :)
Great recap! Honored to have run wayyyy behind you! :) Maybe I'll see ya at Desert Classic in a couple of weeks?
I'll be there, Rio! I'm going to run the half. What are you doing this year?
Dude! You've been tagged. See my blog for details.
Sorry I'm just now commenting on this....
Oh, you were in the lead the entire time. THe rest of us just didn't run the whole course!
Hope to get together for a run soon
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