Wednesday after work, I was at the middle school getting ready for our 2nd track meet. I was getting out some equipment when my wife called: "Umm, I think my water just broke." So I said, " I guess I'm not going to the meet then." I got my other coach all set and the kids on the bus, and then headed straight home. This was about 4:00. I got home as fast as I could, but she hadn't starting having any contractions yet. But, later while we were eating dinner, they started coming at pretty regular intervals and the intensity was increasing. This was about 6:30. Labor progressed pretty quickly, bet everything went very smoothly, and my son was born at 10:55 pm. An April fool's baby. 7 lbs, 8 oz, lots of dark hair. I can't wait to take him running!
I am so amazed with Lani. I can't imagine what she goes through during birth, but man is she tough! She handled it so well and did such an incredible job (completely natural, by the way. She's very in to natural birth and even has a
birth blog, if you're interested, where she writes about research, news, and just about anything related to birth.).
Here are a few pics:

p.s. I heard the track meet went well, but I don't know any details. I'll get back to work sometime next week and find out.
He looks great. So does mom. Tell, Lani I'm impressed she didn't need an epedoral.
Congratulations!!! He's a cutie and Lani looks like she's doing well, too. :)
He is stunning!!
Congrats to you and your family!!
She IS tough. And just all around awesome. :-)
Belated congrats on the new addition! Such a cutie.
Great looking kid. What a head of hair! Congrats to all of you.
Congratulations, he's gorgeous!
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