Monday, November 19, 2007

Virtual Race

Looking for a race to run? Don't want to pay those expensive registration fees? Don't want to travel far? Here is the race for you!

A couple fellow running bloggers (Nancy and Vickie) came up with this awesome idea--the 8 on the 8th Virtual Race. No matter where you are in the world, on December 8th (or the 7th or the 9th) go out and run 8 miles, on your own or with others, competing against other running bloggers (and anyone who would like to participate), and then blog about it, indicating your finishing time, sharing highlights, pictures, your route, etc. For more info and to "register," click on the link above or log into Runner's Lounge.

Here is the route I intend to use. Since there aren't any hills around where I live, it will be a pretty flat and (I hope) fast course. It's going to be a lot of fun, so run on out and join us!

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