Monday, August 23, 2010

Growing, Glowing, and Going: Randomness

So, if you've missed the news, my wife and I are expecting our fourth kiddo in February. She was just getting into running when she became pregnant with our last one, and quickly came to learn the many amazing benefits of staying fit during pregnancy. Over at her Birth Faith blog, she is starting a series entitled "Growing, Glowing and Going" relating her experiences of running through this pregnancy. Here's a taste. I'm going to make you click over for the full article because I think she's got a cool site, and I'm proud of her and what she's doing. Without further ado, Growing, Glowing, and Going: Randomness...

1. Last night I found the “doggy tag” necklace my bro-in-law gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. It has my name and emergency phone numbers just in case something happens to me while I’m out on a run. And the other side has one of my favorite quotes from one of my heroes. It got me thinking that I should tell you about her some time. I think I will. Be sure you carry some form of I.D. when you run (especially if you’re pregnant)! (Click here to read the rest of the article)

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